Career Profile

With a Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering and hands-on experience in creating and developing software applications. I am looking forward to participate in new challenging projects or volunteer in a non-profit organization's projects.


ADM Business Specialist

2019 - Present
KAUST Information Technology, Thuwal
  • Improved my Analytical skills by working with users to analyze and validate requirements for multiple projects
  • Developed my communication skills by conducting training sessions for new web systems
  • Successfully created knowledge base documentations for projects
  • Participated in the quality assurance for the web systems through testing the new products to assure clients satisfaction
  • Practiced Data Analysis and developed Power BI reports for multiple web systems

Software Engineer for Geospatial Information Center

2017 - 2019
Madinah Development Authority, Madinah
  • Participated in the spatial data analysis process and in building the COP layers for the Decision Support Center at MDA
  • Improved my technical and leadership skills by being the technical lead for the Madinah Spatial Data Infrastructure project
  • Enhanced my knowledge of the data visualization through participating in developing the GIS Dashboard project
  • Built a data collector web application for NGOs Projects in Madinah Region

Junior Software Developer

2015 - 2016
Providius Corp., Hamilton
  • Successfully developed a new front-end layout for the 2.0 version of the company’s Broadcast Monitoring Gateway product
  • Participated in integrating the new layout to the system and solving system’s problems
  • Participated in a project for Rogers Communications to build search tool for and structure an organized database using GraphQL
  • Experienced working on a Linux based OS and Git technologies


Capstone Project (McMaster University) - Indoor geographic information system with visualization for contact tracing and infection surveillance. Handled database management and participated in designing the system components. Through multiple deliverables, our group presented the Software Development Life Cycle of the project.
PHD Android App - Participated in building an Android application to ease the communication between patients and hospitals’ staffs. The project involved organizing the software requirements, and performing literature searches.
Casino-Style Slot Machine - Participated in building a casino-style slot machine using the ALTERA DE2 board. The system was implemented by using a keyboard as the input and the onboard LCD screen as the output for the slot machine simulation

Skills & Proficiency


Web Technologies

Relational Database

Object Oriented Design